A Quantum-Fractal Worldview: Everything is Self 4


Living in a Fractal world

Living in a fractal world s the same like living from out of the electro magnetic level versus from the deep sub atomic nuclear level which we call Chi. Others refer to seeing the light in others. Is the world u are walking on made out of stones or atoms or the stuff/light/photons that the atoms are made of. Those atoms are Blakes stones/pebbles. U c u can be living either in a particle state or a wave state of self and world.


Blake’s Grains of sand

What does a Fractal world look like:

To see a world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower Hold infinity in the palms of your hand and eternity in an hour. William Blake

But to walk on Blake’s grains of sand or stones we have to have accessed this stone within. If u still feel u are a body (the superficial way we still conceive of body) or particle (or/and thus feel ur world is a particle/planet) than u will not walk on Blake’s sand/stones.

If the Self is quantum (wave) than the world which collapses around it is fractal. All hierarchies and forms of now working on “the world” (out there) will crumble. It is all crumbling, and will do so more the more of us awaken to the fractal Self… A new space time must constellate around the new Fractal self i refer to with the capital S and which Jung also found at the completion of the work of the shadow and learning how to turn consciousness inside out in place of outside in.

Where the Paranormal is Commonplace 

Going inwards is not inwards versus outwards. This is only at the surface of self. The deeper inwards we surf the spiral, the more we find that sacred place & space where within is without. As within as without. Meaning the deeper u go into the spiral of the self the more u will see how everything happening “around” u symbolises what is happening in ur self process: self similarity. This is what becomes ever more commonplace and evident the more we progress on the road of self awareness.

I have explained many times what happens toward the deeper levels of the steps of going inwards and doing the shadow, than the self work… My last interview with Evita Ochel goes into this. But it remains a legitimate question that keeps coming after i explain the first stages of the work with statements like:

That thing, issue, problem, group, person…whatever ‘out there’…which u keep focussing on represents an abandoned part of u…

This is the requisite step to prepare u for a fractal world u enter when u start to reach the centre of the spiral. I was just asked this question: once the inner soul issues are resolved … is there any outer activity left to do ?? What is resolved is that soul is not inner and outer activity is not outer. that is the very illusion we remain stuck in when in the separate self and sense of self.



U r the World

It is still a symptom of holding on to the ego or false self that we want to do the soul work and than return to the ego work. And not see that the journey is from the self, through the self and to the Self.

It’s the same mistake that is made that when we think about our own thinking to than return to thinking about the world. No after we learn to think about our thinking, seeing thus that the thinking about “the world” was our own thinking  really,  we can’t go back to that kind of flat thinking about the world as something separate anymore on which this kind of (external) action on the world as out there is based. This is the problem in the first place. Its like thinking about and helping the homeless. The homeless am I because I have no real Self or home. The planet is not sustainable because my energy is not sustainable because i am not self contained… Yes I am the problem as long as i see not in all self.

fractal 1

Surfing Fibonacci

The More we go inward into the core of the fibonacci, which is toward an energetic experience, at the centre which is Self/soul, the more whatever state we are in we ripple out to the whole. This is the fractal psychology.

The answer lies in what happens…how do we think, live, love, serve…when our direct firsthand view becomes fractal.

The idea that reality is fractal really means everything is Self. So when we work deeply on Self we are working deeply on everything. Toward this level there’s no within and without. U c the world is fractal and what that looks like is that we are in immediate telepathic…telekinetic collaborative bond with everything.


Can the blind guide the blind?

The real blindness is the blindness that out there is loose from us. This is the problem we spread as a virus when we in particle state want to help others… An addict helping other addicts will cause more harm than good. Blake’s grain of sand is everything. U see it is only such a shift of view that will really change things. Everything is self so everything we treat as self. U think u will dump all ur litter into the woods, seas and back yard if u knew it was self? How will we tolerate homeless when the homeless is self. We would not create external homeless if we had a real home inside. But thus how can we help the homeless without if we reject the homeless in ourselves… Yet it is then that w emost will ant to fix the homeless out there.

To change the world we have to teach everyone to work on self

All efforts have to go to this cause… Not enough to shelter others. Or build shelters… of self within is homeless. The big effort is to get everyone to do the shadow work and reach true fractal Self and then to engage fractal world fractally with the Self. U can’t litter the earth if u deeply see and feel the world is self because you vibe and ripple with it deeply telepathically and telekinetically.


The world will behave the way u treat it

You will realise u are walking in a fractal world of light. a world made of ‘precious’ stones. Blake’s sand. Everything become sacred again. The animals, the trees… all one self/quantum system…alive..consious; the world soul.



World Soul/Quantum World

So when we have done the shadow work the world becomes experienced as fractal: everything is Self. What comes out of the shadow work is a quantum world view. We fell out of paradise. Paradise is still there at a higher frequency. The dead will return when we lift the veil, now enveloping us in a sense of separateness which doesn’t exist. it only responds to our split state. The world responds to u. To survive bifurcation and this fractal world we must be ready to see in everything self. Everything is a symbol of self. when u can see this u will be ready to heal the world.

To work on self in order to return to a newtonian view is a contradiction in terms. It is in the role and form of the Self that we will act fractally…and at that stage ur true mission in the world (soul) will be revealed. not the one from the separate split self… which will always be a projection of what is lacking and repressed within.

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4 thoughts on “A Quantum-Fractal Worldview: Everything is Self

  • Dimitri Halley Post author

    ps. bearing our burden and individuation is not romantic. it is very very tough work to go into places we have cut off and deleted. it is much easier to see everything out there (and thus within) as other.

  • Dimitri Halley Post author

    well don’t know about the romantic. cause its way harder to carry the heft of self awareness and self responsibility than to detach from everything outside oneself. but yes he is the inverse of Jung and all the new developments in quantum physics etc…

  • Vali Claudiu

    dimitry,i always wondered what you think about lacanian psycoanalisis, and the thought that jungian psychology is just another romantic view of the world,that there is no anima mundi and an individuation proces,and it s all just another Big other?