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Join us for this transformative webinar Codependency and Q&A on Saturday December 16th. We remain emotional hostages in codependency relations in several areas of our life, which forms the very inside of the prison grid/Matrix. In the sense of it locking down the whole system and network around us. All conflicts, gaslighting, abuse and Stockholm syndrome reside in these symbiotic codependency relations which never end.
The Webinar will show from a very technical standpoint how to step out of codependency, which takes us to the space on the other timeline of emotional freedom. The webinar will uncover how to get out of these toxic relations inside and out. And we’ll create right flow and healing in relations.
We will show what creates the psychological codependencies and how to truly get out of them and the prison grid from a depth psychological shadow abased perspective.
The webinar will lead to Emotional Freedom from Abduction in Codependency.
Write it down and secure your spot for the last webinar of 2023, Saturday, December 16th!
Reservation confirmed upon payment
Price 50 USD
From 2 PM to 4 PM [Aruba]
From 7 am to 9 am [New Zealand]
From 1 pm to 3 pm ET [USA]
From 12 to 2 pm CT [USA]
From 10 to 12 pm PT [USA]