Stranger Things, MK Ultra and Real Time

In this article: Strangers Things Is Actually Based On A Real-Life Event they suggest it’s made based on “project” MKUltra which seemingly never ended and flew over from Europe. The article goes onto say: “As The Guardian reminds us, the idea of sleeper agents…. have appeared in everything from the Bourne movies to The X-Files, The Manchurian Candidate to Fringe….”

My Facebook Live [reference below]: Jungian Analysis of Black Mirror, mirror universe and Singularity, Stranger Things and Black Hole, see link below, showed it’s actually everything Hollywood and Netflix have been bringing out for the last decennium and now also science.

Most of all this means, in terms of Life Imitates Art, Stranger Things and all the other movie media at large are exposing a real life experiment started in Europe and blown over the whole world, showing what is probably going on and involving almost everyone looking at the series.

They also say: After Project MKUltra came to an end, a 1977 senate committee (titled “Project MKUltra, the CIA’s Program of Research in Behavioral Modification”) concluded that agents had “drugged American citizens without their knowledge.” Yet it’s said earlier in the article that: The rumours suggest Project MKUltra was testing subjects for mind control, telepathy, ESP, psychic warfare, and “remote viewing”. As Stranger Things’ Eleven has shown us, Remote Viewing is basically where you view things happening in a completely different part of the world.” Hence thus we must surmise it wasn’t just physical drugging, but mind control drugging and the use of psychic abilities for mental warfare for governance purposes. 

If we add this part of the article: Speaking to Vulture, Matt Duffer confirmed: “When we were first starting to talk about the idea [for the show], we had talked about a paranormal-missing child storyline.” → And we add the current global headline in real time of child trafficking and child theft, then the lines between Hollywood, Netflix and real Time; Art and Reality, have been severely blurred.


Add this to that collective dreams globally are showing the same story timeline as above blurring between movies and reality regarding MK ultra, than we find what I termed in my Facebook Live video: Jungian Analysis of Black Mirror, mirror universe and Singularity, Stranger Things and Black Hole, a sort of singularity event in itself very much mimicking a sort of psychological ‘Event Horizon’ one encounters at the border entrance of a black hole.

► Dimitri Halley Facebook Live:

► Strangers Things Is Actually Based On A Real-Life Event

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