Good vs evil are not positive versus negative. it is mistaking these 2 (really levels of existence) which has led to to the doctrine of positivism in science and positive thinking in culture at large but also underlies the whole doctrine of materialism, prosperity etc etc etc. now plaguing this cul-ture and which underlies the extreme abuse of women, people of colour/black and nature (earth). Because feminine and black is archetypally the negative. white/blond and masculine is the positive.
Touching the Shadow
So here 2 levels of existence, if u which the psycho-physical and the spiritual are hopelessly mixed up. My work and method: touching the shadow is based on uniting the feminine and masculine. The sun light would be the masculine and the shadow produced by the sun light hitting a tree would be the feminine. So this is what my method touching the shadow is about. yet many have literally flocked to my pages, videos, writings, website… based on this confusion of taking the shadow for darkness.
White vs Black Sun
Even when archetypes like the white and the black sun are used which refer to the good versus the evil it is not the white and the black in racial terms or in terms of the colours in our spectrum thus. the same goes for the red often associated with hell versus the red of the Yang, or the blue of the yin and the blue of heaven…. These two levels should not be mixed, cause we see now the terrible consequences of mixing these 2 categories up.
Good vs Evil
good and evil cannot exist in the same place but feminine and masculine, negative and positive, black and white thus…must touch and unite to be whole. This is perhaps the single most important error plaguing us in our current meaning or semiotic system. This same problem translates to wanting strengths and no weaknesses while only together we find the whole.
+ & – = Good
When negative and positive, feminine (Yin) and masculine (Yang)… touch and become one we get good; while when they are fully ripped apart we get evil. When they touch we get the real light while when they are separated we get blindness and darkness. This is the same for love, love is when positive and negative touch/unite and hate when the reject each other. the same misunderstanding we find between the high and the low and rising up above something versus falling in depression which is not falling in dimensional darkness. We’ve been deeply conditioned to strive for strengths, positives, prosperity and not make mistakes, avoid negative and less; while this is what has driven us deep down into darkness.
Perhaps the deadliest Misunderstanding in HIS-tory
Even/especially churches have terribly misconstrued this difference, painting positive as good and negative as evil. Evil is not the opposite of good but its anti. This is why there can be no darkness (evil) where there’s the real light (good). They cannot exist in the same place at the same time. This is why good doesn’t fight evil. It is fully self contained. And evil is just the absence of good.