Unique Collaboration on Jungian Psychology in Aruba



Dr. Michael Conforti, PhD

Oranjestad, Dr. Michael Conforti, Director of Assisi Institute: The international Center for the Study of Archetypal Patterns will be visiting Aruba for a unique encounter and presentation for the development of Jungian psychology in Aruba. Dr. Conforti is very well known for lecturing at Zwitserland which is the prestigious home base of the legendary psychologist Carl G. Jung. Jungian psychology is one of the two major lines within psychoanalysis; Jungian & Freudian psychology. Holland foremostly operates within Freudian psychology in comparison with Jungian psychology which goes deeper into the Unconscious and the spiritual/ esoteric layers of the mind. “It is very important, because the line that for instance A.Z.V. (Medical Insurance) is on is foremostly based on Big Pharma/drugs, and is most allied to Freudian derivatives and Cognitive behavioral approaches to psychotherapy. But the other Jungian timeline has also reached Aruba via Dimitri Halley”. Creating an alliance with Dr. Conforti’s institute could further aid Aruba in become a center for this kind of psychology for the region. “This will reinforce our connection with the Indigenous Afro-Caribbean, American and Eastern culture”, says Halley.

Symbolic Event for Aruba

Alchemy: An Introduction To The Symbolism And The Psychology by Marie-Louise von Franz

Dr Conforti will be visiting Aruba next week and during his visit will be the keynote speaker at a special event on the 28th of March at the highly symbolic sight of the Lighthouse, Faro Blanco (For Reservations, call 583-0114). Currently there are two types of scenarios / timelines in Mental Care in Western societies. The first one based on escapism via psychiatric drugs and the other one based more on reestablishing a spiritual connection with Nature and the deeper spiritual nature in onesf. “This is a symbolic event for Aruba, because it is basically a nudge for our pioneering work here in Jungian psychology on the island. It will fortify our development in Aruba of  an alternative in this area in Mental Care and Development” says Halley.

Jungian psychology is the only type of psychology which includes the energetic level and takes you deep into the Unconscious, where the heaviest traumas are stored beyond conscious memory. “I have many clients who come to me for trauma but of which the painful parts are not remembered. The only reliable way to reach there and retrieve these dissociated contents is via Dreams (Shadow based Dreamwork).” Halley explains that the rest of the psychological therapies on Aruba (cognitive behavioral therapy) only treat the surface of the trauma from the outside. The effects of those therapies are very shallow and short lived, because they cannot affect the deeper precognitive ‘hardware’ which is very necessary according to Halley. While on the other hand all the psychiatric drugs do is freeze and numb the pain, but the underlying trauma remains untouched. Halley’s center is the only venue that offers a deeper psychology for this. Carl Jung is the psychologist who had deep alliance with Africa and the Indigenous Americans in North America whom he knew guarded the connection with the Indigenous Mind of God the collective unconscious. “In order to do justice to the culture of Aruba we need this approach. My research has shown me that our culture is still extremely indigenous under the Dutch surface, much more than we even realize.”
Alternative Mental Care Timeline
The importance for Aruba to go into this Jungian psychology timeline of mental care is of paramount importance according to Halley, in order to keep this indigenous connection alive. “When you ask an Aruban how she/he is doing, he/she answers you ‘Calm or Trankilo’. In Holland this is interpreted as you are lazy, but it comes from the indigenous tradition where under all circumstances is remained calm, it is not laziness,” according to Halley. It is something deeply spiritual. We are providing a choice for Aruba by offering an alternative mental care timeline. So that the Aruban can choose to a. return to a psychology which connects to its roots or b. continue moving deeper and deeper into the world of chemical drugs. And which does not recognize the natural world nor the spiritual core of the mind. “We have been colonized and mentally programmed to think that everything from the West is better. Yet it of extreme importance to study the cycle of the historical development of consciousness, which shows a development from indigenous beginnings  toward Europe and than Europe reconnecting to the indigenous.”
Spirituality & Science
Mr. Halley continues to say that if you look at the new movie ‘Black Panther’ it is showing a place in Africa outside of Space and Time, ‘the Garden of Life’. While representing it in a high tech way which Halley believes is not accurate this is where we are returning, a connection with this. The movie is showing we are returning back to the beginning. Halley says, “It is we who must show Europe / Holland the way, it is just that we have not yet understood who we are yet.  We have this connection which Europe also needs”. Without this connection to our spiritual core we become suicidal which has now overtaken Europe and the West, where depression is the biggest health problem. “What we call Spiritual is a type of transcendence out of the box of so space time which a person needs in order to be healthy and  happy”
Fake Green
The Fake Green Movement misused this vision of Aruba being the hub to the Indigenous in terms of business opportunities for Europe in South America. The real vision, also found in literature like the Celestine Prophecy, shows that we have the connection to this spiritual core, represented in Black Panther in Africa as Wakanda and South America as El Dorado. We have it. Holland and the Western cultures do not have it because of their extremely scientific (materialistic) mentality /culture, but this is what science is really looking for in the blurring of the boundaries of Physics and Spirituality. So Aruba is to become the true host for Jungian psychology, because the connection is still alive here, according to Halley.

drs. Dimitri Halley, Jungian psychologist

“Everybody who comes to see me, comes because of this, because of this connection. All of the Arubans that come to see me speak of their connection with the spiritual. For the Arubans once they gain confidence with me and
understand that this is my field (Depth Psychology of the Paranormal/Spiritual) this is the only spot they want to come to. The reality is that many many Arubans still go to the so-called bruho and curandero who brokers the connection to the spiritual for them. This is why Jungian psychology provides a space to honor and devel this deepest connection to the spiritual core of the mind which is the true source of healing.

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