Memestream: The elephant

I have a theory about the observer (self reflection) and the whole of thinking and science is excluding the observer. This is why all these labels (f.i. narcissist) exclude the observer, while the observer plays a total role in the tango with narcissist or any other label. This is the reason why the truth coming out still can’t be seen cause the observer is in denial and nothing has changed on the observer to see their own role in hiding the truth and sustaining the lie.

This is the reason why the cage can be opened but the bird doesn’t fly out and why changing the narcissist partner will simply lead to recruiting another one cause the observer hasn’t changed. In a nutshell the current model of this world is this, because it’s all about the other and the observer is never included in the equation.

Shadow work is a shift to self awareness instead of theories about the other. The other is always used by default to never see self. This has led to always juxtaposing to the other and never seeing one’s own issues

When it’s most in your face,
it’s hardest to see…

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