
Self Responsibility

Self Responsibility Playlist

Short recorded videos on June 9th, 2017

Part 1 [length 2:44 min] ↴
Till Death do us Part?

Part 2 [length 2:24 min] ↴
The Landscape of Modern Parenthood

Part 3 [length 4:00 min] ↴
Mental Bubbles; Should I trust my partner?

Part 4 [length 2:26 min] ↴
You work with Law? I work with people

The Golden Compass

This 5 part video series, The Golden Compass series, have been blocked from our you tube channel daniela1771. It’s a series we made and uploaded to you tube to illustrate how dangerous it is to cut off the shadow from people and how it’s being done as a means to mentally enslave them.

Luckily we can have them up on this website.
It only takes 3-4 minutes before the parts 3, 4 and 5 are loaded, please have patience

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